The Cobble Hills Fighter Group (CHFG), was founded in 1990 by a group of aviation enthusiasts to foster, enhance, assist, aid, engage in and develop the advancement of model aeronautics.
The club is a Charter Member of the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada (MAAC) and membership in MAAC is mandatory if you wish to fly at our field as it provides you with the necessary liability insurance that you require. CHFG membership runs from January 1st to December 31st and is renewed each year.
New members who are novice flyers will receive flight instruction at no additional cost by recognized flying instructors in our club.
Membership application forms are available at the field.
Club Meetings are every Sunday between 11.00AM and 3.00PM at 5282 Cobble Hills Road, Thamesford, ON, Canada or at GPS Coordinates, 43.07058, -81.04636
Assembly of CHFG Club
Executive Committee
President – <Pending>
Vice President – Mike Irwin
Treasurer – Bobby Charchanko
Secretary – Bobby Charchanko
Land Owner – Al Cole