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- No one shall operate any aircraft on the field while the grass is being cut or during any other field maintenance where safety is a concern.
- Members are required to get checked out by a designated individual prior to operating the club generator or lawn maintenance equipment.
- Breaking in, extensive running, or extensive tuning of engines must be done at the north end of the field, away from other members.
- The designated hours for open flying are 9:00 AM until dusk, (electrics may fly after dusk if appropriately equipped for night flying).
- Club members who do not have their “wings” shall not independently operate their aircraft at the field, and must be assisted by an instructor.
- Members are allowed to bring up to three guests to the field from time to time. The member is responsible for his guest.
- Spectators must be accompanied by a pilot at all times when in the pit area.
- All vehicles shall be parked in the designated parking areas.
- Members are responsible for the removal of their own garbage while at the field.
- Any member flying 72mhz is responsible to ensure that no channel conflicts exist prior to turning on their radio. A frequency board is available in the clubhouse, but not required to be used.
- Members are responsible to return any/all equipment taken from the clubhouse to it at the end of their day.
Aircraft Operations
- Only fixed wing aircraft are permissible at the field
- All pilots must have a valid RPAS Certificate, and comply with all Canadian Aviation Regulations, including CAR Part IX
- All members shall prior to the first flight of the day conduct a thorough pre-flight inspection of all control linkages and control surfaces for correct direction of movement and secure installation
- All aircraft must use some form of restraining system to secure the aircraft in the designated areas while the engine is being started or while running it in the pit area.
- No aircraft shall be intentionally flown over the pits, spectators or parking area.
- All flying will be completed within the published flight box, and no closer than the flightline. No houses are to be overflown and under no circumstances is Cobble Hills Rd to be crossed
- All members shall yield the right of way to all other types of aircraft including full-scale human carrying aircraft, Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned balloons
- Electric aircraft must be secured or under control and must not be left unattended once power is applied, or while performing a range check.
- A maximum of five aircraft in the air at one time.
- All pilots shall maintain direct unaided (except for corrective lenses and sunglasses) visual line of sight (VLOS) with their model at all times during the flight
- No member shall taxi a model in a pit area so designated on the club field layout or in any other area where there are people. All models shall be carried or in the case of very large models walked to the flight line.
- Announce your intention to enter the field area for any purpose in a loud clear voice to any other fliers, and wait for acknowledgement if possible. The same applies for take-offs and landings.
- The initial turnout on departure must be away from the pits and spectator area
- Dead stick situations have priority for landing. Announce such a situation in a loud clear voice. All aircraft on the field must clear the area as quickly as possible.
- Pilots must fly from behind the designated flying stations at all times.